Activities: Gabala and Shamakhi Nature Tour

June 22nd 2023 in Travel
Activities: Gabala and Shamakhi Nature Tour

Best Gabala and Shamakhi Nature Tour

A full-day trip to Azerbaijan's mountains departing from Baku. Discover Azerbaijani gastronomy, large lakes, and mountain landscapes in Shamakhi and Gabala.

After being picked up from your Baku hotel, embark on a full-day excursion in the Azerbaijani mountains. You'll begin in the Shamakhi region, where you'll see the Juma mosque dating back to the 12th century. You'll arrive at Gabala after driving through the picturesque northeastern Caucasian mountains.

After a meal of typical Azerbaijani fare, you'll go off into the beautiful highlands that Gabala is famous for. You'll board a cable car at the foot of Mount Tufandagh to ascend to the mountain's summit and gaze out over the verdant valleys below.

After that, travel to Nohur Lake, known for its emerald-green waters surrounded by majestic mountains. Getting into a Soviet-era Lada automobile, you'll drive up the hill to the 7 Beauties Waterfall, named after the seven stages of the falls. You'll return to your Baku hotel after delighting in the numerous natural wonders.